Ellipsoid Particle Emitter
The Ellipsoid Particle Emitter spawns particles inside a sphere. Use the Ellipsoid property below to scale & stretch the sphere.
球形幾何粒子發射器 在球型內部產生粒子。 在球型幾何特性下去縮放或伸展。
Emit | If enabled, the emitter will emit particles. |
發射器 | 假如啟動,發射器將發設粒子 |
Min Size | The minimum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned. |
最小尺寸 | 在產生時每個粒子的最小尺寸 |
Max Size | The maximum size each particle can be at the time when it is spawned. |
最大尺寸 | 在產生時每個粒子的最大尺寸 |
Min Energy | The minimum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds. |
最小能量 | 每個粒子的最小壽命,以秒來計算 |
Max Energy | The maximum lifetime of each particle, measured in seconds. |
最大能量 | 每個粒子的最大壽命,以秒來計算 |
Min Emission | The minimum number of particles that will be spawned every second. |
最小發射數量 | 在每秒產生的粒子最低數量 |
Max Emission | The maximum number of particles that will be spawned every second. |
最大發射數量 | 在每秒產生的粒子最高數量 |
World Velocity | The starting speed of particles in world space, along X, Y, and Z. |
世界速度 | 在世界空間粒子的開始速度, 沿著 X, Y, 和 Z. |
Local Velocity | The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, measured in the object's orientation. |
局部速度 | 粒子的開始速度沿著 X, Y, 和 Z,以物件的方向來計算 |
Rnd Velocity | A random speed along X, Y, and Z that is added to the velocity. |
亂數速度 | ㄧ個亂數的速度沿著 X, Y, 和 Z 這是增加到當前速度上 |
Emitter Velocity Scale | The amount of the emitter's speed that the particles inherit. |
發射器速度縮放 | 發射器的速度總量該粒子繼承 |
Tangent Velocity | The starting speed of particles along X, Y, and Z, across the Emitter's surface. |
切線速度 | 粒子沿著 X, Y, 和 Z的開始速度, 在發射器的表面 |
Simulate In World Space | If enabled, the particles don't move when the emitter moves. If false,when you move the emitter, the particles follow it around. |
在世界空間模擬 | 假如啟動,當發射器移動時粒子將不會移動。假如關閉,當你移動發射器, 粒子將會跟隨在它周圍。 |
One Shot | If enabled, the particle numbers specified by min & max emission is spawned all at once. If disabled, the particles are generated in a long stream. |
只有ㄧ次的 | 假如啟動,粒子數目在最小和最大發射指定只產生ㄧ次。 假如關閉, 粒子將會持續的生成。 |
Ellipsoid | Scale of the sphere along X, Y, and Z that the particles are spawned inside. |
球形幾何 | 球體沿著 X, Y, 和 Z的縮放該粒子產生在內部。 |
MinEmitterRange | Determines an empty area in the center of the sphere - use this to make particles appear on the edge of the sphere. |
最小發射器範圍 | 在球體中心確定ㄧ個空白區域 - 使用這個使粒子呈現在球體的邊緣。 |
Ellipsoid Particle Emitters (EPEs) are the basic emitter, and are included when you choose to add a Particle System to your scene from Components->Particles->Particle System. You can define the boundaries for the particles to be spawned, and give the particles an initial velocity. From here, use the Particle Animator to manipulate how your particles will change over time to achieve interesting effects.
球型粒子發射器 (EPEs) 是基本的發射器, 而它包含在裡面,當你選擇從 Components->Particles->Particle System去增加ㄧ個 粒子系統 到你的場景。你可以為粒子產生定義特性, 而且給予粒子ㄧ個初步速度。從這裡,使用Particle Animator(粒子動畫) 去操縱你的粒子如何隨著時間的推移而改變而去完成有趣的特效。
Particle Emitters work in conjunction with Particle Animators and Particle Renderers to create, manipulate, and display Particle Systems. All three Components must be present on an object before the particles will behave correctly. When particles are being emitted, all different velocities are added together to create the final velocity.
粒子發射器工作結合了 Particle Animators(粒子動畫) 和 Particle Renderers(粒子渲染) 去創建, 操縱, 和顯示粒子系統. 全部三個組件必須同時掛在ㄧ個物件上則粒子行為才會正確。當粒子正在發射,全部不同的速度將相加到創建的最後速度。
Spawning Properties
Spawning properties like Size(尺寸), Energy, Emission, and Velocity will give your particle system distinct personality when trying to achieve different effects. Having a small Size could simulate fireflies or stars in the sky. A large Size could simulate dust clouds in a musky old building.
產生屬性像是 Size, Energy(能量), Emission(發射), 和 Velocity(速度) 將給予你的粒子系統不同的個性,當你試著去完成不同的特效。 ㄧ個小尺寸可以模擬螢火蟲或是星星在天空。ㄧ個大尺寸的可以模擬塵雲再ㄧ個有麝香味的老舊大樓。
Energy and Emission will control how long your particles remain onscreen and how many particles can appear at any one time. For example, a rocket might have high Emission to simulate density of smoke, and high Energy to simulate the slow dispersion of smoke into the air.
Energy(能量) 和 Emission(發射) 將控制你的粒子保持在螢幕上多久以及多少粒子在任何ㄧ次可以出現。舉個例子,一個火箭 也許有高 Emission(發射) 去模擬煙的密度,和高 Energy(能量) 去模擬在空氣中慢慢分散的煙。
Velocity will control how your particles move. You might want to change your Velocity in scripting to achieve interesting effects, or if you want to simulate a constant effect like wind, set your X and Z Velocity to make your particles blow away.
Velocity(速度) 將控制你的粒子如何移動。 你可能要去改變你的 Velocity(速度) 在腳本去完成有趣的特效,或者假如你要去模擬一個持續的特效像是風,設定你的 X 和 Z Velocity(速度) 去使你的粒子被吹走。
Simulate in World Space
If this is disabled, the position of each individual particle will always translate relative to the Position of the emitter. When the emitter moves, the particles will move along with it. If you have Simulate in World Space enabled, particles will not be affected by the translation of the emitter. For example, if you have a fireball that is spurting flames that rise, the flames will be spawned and float up in space as the fireball gets further away. If Simulate in World Space is disabled, those same flames will move across the screen along with the fireball.
Simulate in World Space(在世界空間模擬)
假如這項關閉,每個粒子的位置將始終轉移到發射器的相對位置。當發射器移動,粒子將隨著他移動。假如你將 Simulate in World Space 啟動,當發射器被轉移時粒子將不受影響。 舉個例子,假如你有一個火球它噴發火焰並上升,火焰將被產生以及漂浮在空間即便火球跑遠。假如 Simulate in World Space 是關閉,那些ㄧ樣的的火燄和將火球ㄧ起被移動。
Emitter Velocity Scale
This property will only apply if Simulate in World Space is enabled.
Emitter Velocity Scale(發射器速度縮放)
這個特性只應用在 Simulate in World Space開啟的狀態。
If this property is set to 1, the particles will inherit the exact translation of the emitter at the time they are spawned. If it is set to 2, the particles will inherit double the emitter's translation when they are spawned. 3 is triple the translation, etc.
假如特性是設定為1,粒子將繼承發射器當時產生的準確的位移。假如設定為 2, 粒子將雙倍繼承發射器的位移當他們產生時。 3 是3倍位移,依此類推。
One Shot
One Shot emitters will create all particles within the Emission property all at once, and cease to emit particles over time. Here are some examples of different particle system uses with One Shot Enabled or Disabled:
One Shot(只有一次)
One Shot(只有一次) 發射器將使所有的粒子只發射ㄧ次,而且, 而且隨著時間的推移停止發射粒子。這裡有一些不同的例子,粒子系統使用了 One Shot Enabled(啟動) 或 Disabled(關閉):
- Explosion (爆炸)
- Water splash (水的飛濺)
- Magic spell (魔法法術)
- Gun barrel smoke (槍管冒煙)
- Wind effect (風的特效)
- Waterfall (瀑布)
Min Emitter Range
The Min Emitter Range determines the depth within the ellipsoid that particles can be spawned. Setting it to 0 will allow particles to spawn anywhere from the center core of the ellipsoid to the outer-most range. Setting it to 1 will restrict spawn locations to the outer-most range of the ellipsoid.
Min Emitter Range(最小發射器範圍)
Min Emitter Range(最小發射器範圍) 決定了球形幾何物體裡粒子可以產生的深度。設定它為 0 將容許粒子產生在任何地方從球體的中央核心到最外圍。設定它為 1 將限定產生地點在球體外圍。
- Be careful of using many large particles. This can seriously hinder performance on low-level machines. Always try to use the minimum number of particles to attain an effect.
- The Emit property works in conjunction with the AutoDestruct property of the Particle Animator. Through scripting, you can cease the emitter from emitting, and then AutoDestruct will automatically destroy the Particle System and the GameObject it is attached to.
- 小心使用許多大量粒子。 這可能會嚴重的影響性能尤其在低等級的機器。總是試著去使用最小限度的粒子來達到你要的效果。
- Emit(發射) 特性的工作結合了Particle Animator的 AutoDestruct(自毀) 特性。 通過腳本,你可以停止發射器排放,然後 AutoDestruct(自毀) 將自動的銷毀粒子系統和它附帶的GameObject(遊戲物件)。